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A Beast Is Born...


In 2013, I was looking for a guitar strap as a gift. I wanted something sturdy and practical, modern and packed with character. 


Nothing I found matched my quality and creativity expectations, so I hatched a plan... 


I decided if it doesn't exist, I'll make it. Many prototypes later, Mighty Beast was born! 


Handcrafted with attention to detail, my priority is to make straps of the highest quality.


All straps have a strengthened core, strong enough to hold your most prized possession safely & securely. 


The ends are made from strong upholstery vinyl, reinforced three times over.


Being leather-free, these are ideal for Vegan musicians.


Choosing a new guitar takes a lot of thought, so I put a lot of thought into the strap design. Each style is used to both compliment your guitar and express your individuality. 


Bright colours and bold prints make up the majority of the range. But if classic is your thing, the wide range of solid colour straps are just as striking. 


All straps are available on Etsy - keep checking back for new designs! 


Made in Scotland


Like the Highland cow in my logo, these straps are uniquely Scottish. Gallus in character and sturdy in build.


Each strap is made in my workshop in Glasgow, and as the beast grows, I'm excited to tap into the talent and skills found here in Scotland. 


So come join the journey! 



Owner of Mighty Beast

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